

成立於2011年總公司設在台灣-桃園市 公司位於桃園高鐵特區內鄰近機場, 高鐵車站及機捷A18,19站。並在台灣中部設有服務點多元化的菁英隊伍 近10名員工,匯集來自各相關專業人才有: 零售通路, 品牌服飾, 製衣產業, CAD/CAM系統商, 醫療用品業, CNC機械業, 複合材料業(航太及汽車)之資深工程師及經營管理幹部.

業務以台灣及東南亞客戶為主, 現有服務客戶公司工廠遍及台灣, 中國, 越南, 柬埔寨, 泰國, 印尼, 緬甸, 菲律賓, 肯亞等國公司以產業顧問方優化客戶供應鏈價值的提升。

服務過的客戶型態及其產品有: 時尚產業-布商, 品牌服飾, OEM/ODM製衣廠,女包品牌, 運動背包及行理箱之OEM代工廠,沙發家俱廠,汽車椅套/腳踏墊/安全氣囊,複合材料-Carbon碳纖/玻纖等先進材料應用-軍事工業, 航太及汽車零配件, 風電葉片製造, 醫療床墊及碳纖自行車等運動器材工業及休閒用品業我們專為軟性材料應用行業提供從產品設計, 樣品開發, 生產製造全流程之數位化, 自動化及智能化之工業4.0系統整合服務.


Founded in 2011, UFA corporation is located at Taoyuan City, Taiwan, having teams providing diverse services in central Taiwan. We have up to 10 members, coming from different industries, including retailing, fashion industry, apparel manufacturing, CAD/CAM system provider, medical supplies industry and composite material industry(Aerospace and Automobile).

Our customers are mainly based in Taiwan and Southeast Asia. We provide industry consulting services to optimize our customers' supply chain production. Current customers are widespread in Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippine, Kenya.

Our customers come from various industries including, Fashion industry: cloth industry, apparel brands, apparel OEM/ODM, Women’s bags, sports bag and suitcase OEM, furniture manufactory, Car seat/pedal/air bag. Composite material: carbon fiber/ glass fiber application. Military industry: aerospace and automobile parts, wind turbine blades, medical Mattress, carbon fabric bicycles. 

We specialize in digitalization, automization, artificialization and other IOT 4.0 system integration from product design, sample development to manufacturing for soft material application industries.

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